Obviously, during the dark lords second rise to power, he could not have been in the order prior to the halfblood prince. Later that year, dumbledore would task harry with coercing the full memory of slughorns. Horace lawhorn obituary new haven, ct new haven register. Some believe that this chapter contains direct evidence that horace slughorn is or was a death eater. Dec 08, 2015 there it was, hanging in the sky above the school. A great memorable quote from the harry potter and the halfblood prince movie on harry watches slughorns real memory, which starts with tom tapping the hourglasstom riddle.
He was potions professor for over fifty years and head of slytherin before retiring in 1981. The chapter that made us fall in love with horace slughorn. Although his parents never believed as strongly in the ideals pureblood superiority as some others did, they nevertheless encouraged horace to make friends with the the right sort upon arriving at hogwarts. Harry watches slughorns real memory, which starts with. It had been the first summer in over five years that she wasnt spending her holiday at one of her friends homes. When slughorn asks dumbledore how he knew that he had faked his own kidnappingdeath, dumbledore replies, my dear horace, if the death eaters really had come to call, the dark mark would have been set over the house, to which slughorn answers. Harry potter professor horace slughorn learn and absorb. Jul 15, 2009 harry potter and the halfblood prince photos.
Horace slughorn is the longserving potions teacher and head of slytherin house since at least the 1940s, until his retirement after the 198182 school year. Horace slughorn harry potter thoughts and theories. Horace slughorn the headmasters daughter a neville. The memory of their last facetoface encounter kept intruding too, and it rather. And i picked something rather odd about this rare magic. This is in the book, dumbledore already guessed and his guesses are usually good, but he needed slughorns memory in order to confirm his guess. Rowling wrote new stories about mcgonagall, slughorn for ebook trio pottermore presents including details about the gryffindor heads involvement in the.
Available in up to 1080p hd please leave suggestions for additional scenes to be uploaded. It was safe to say that ruby felt very alone during the summer, she only spoke with the. See more ideas about harry potter, hogwarts and harry potter universal. Muggles guide to harry pottercharactershorace slughorn.
Why do harry and dumbledore need to get the memory from slughorn. Prior to that, slughorn served as the potions professor and head of slytherin house for many years before retiring. Slughorn came out of retirement to take over the role of the potions professor for severus snape. In fact, dumbledore removed all books on this subject from the library upon. And harry, determined to secure a pensieve memory from slughorn that could reveal vital information about lord voldemort, decided to do it under the spell of the lucky potion felix felicis. He clearly has very fond memories of those two days hbp9. Rowling wrote new stories about mcgonagall, slughorn for ebook trio pottermore presents including details about the gryffindor heads involvement in the second wizarding war. Slughorns name brings to mind the slowness of a snail, and the low energy of a slugabed. This summer had been very unusual to ruby dumbledore.
Slughorn in the potions master, who appears in harry potter and the half blood prince. Following his retirement and the resurgence of voldemort, slughorn goes into hiding. He attended hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry as a member of slytherin before returning in 1931 as potions master. Aug 21, 2011 slughorn in the potions master, who appears in harry potter and the half blood prince. Following his retirement and the resurgence of voldemort, slughorn goes into hiding, concealing all knowledge of his whereabouts from both sides in the growing conflict. He enjoys his creature comforts far too much to relinquish them, and yet, he has gone into hiding. Was horace slughorn a skilled enough wizard to defeat voldemort if there. Horaceslughorn pm b6c9m1 slughornspotionsclass moment. The movie script of the first edited memory contains this dialog. Harry would do anything to get the memory he needed from slughorn. Harry potterhorace slughorn works archive of our own. Read about the chapter that made us fall in love with. Therefore, he teaches harry and the rest of his year potions in his sixth year. These memories appear as silver, hairlike wisps, and can be stored in bottles.
The potter twins and the halfblood prince chapter 3. Jul 18, 20 harry convincing slughorn to give him his much needed memory. Horace slughorn is a character that many people rightly find distasteful. It was originally a lily petal which lily evans had transfigured into piscine form during her studying. Every book on your english syllabus summed up in a quote from the office. Harry potter and the halfblood prince movie quotes. Horace slughorn takes up the potions job in harrys sixth year. Characters horace slughorn an unlikely candidate for a teaching position at hogwarts, horace slughorn is a strange, hopelessly selfserving professor. Quotes tagged as horaceslughorn showing 11 of 1 he has never wanted to occupy the throne himself. Although not a massive presence in the books, what little we saw of flitwick led us to believe he would be a perfectly acceptable professor, just not a particularly memorable one. Horace slughorn wikibooks, open books for an open world. His comforts included soft chairs and footstools, fine wines and books, boxes of confectionery and. He had a suspicion that horace slughorn knew much more about voldemort than he told and thats why he. Was horace slughorn a member of the order of the phoenix.
The memory proved difficult to empty into the pensieve, and severus got the feeling that the memory may have been tampered with. Horace slughorn served as the potions professor during harrys sixth year at hogwarts. Horace slughorn took some convincing to give up the horcrux memory, but afterward, he required some very decisive reassurance as well. Pottermore looks back at the moments that made our favourite characters so memorable. What happened to horace slughorn in harry potter and the.
Rowling wrote new stories about mcgonagall, slughorn for. Oct 17, 2005 horaces last name would just seem to be an extension of the same gluttony. Ironically, slughorn probably didnt even remember it. Search, discover and share your favorite horace slughorn gifs. Harry was to get the true memory of slughorn which would show more detail. Buy harry potter professor horace slughorns wand from zavvi, the home of pop culture. He served as potions master until 1981, then again from 1996. Dumbledore then tasks harry to retrieve the complete memory from slughorn, and that he would be the only one to do so. How had dumbledore known that the memory of horace slughorn. It wasnt confirmed for him until harry managed to get the real memory from horace slughorn. Horace slughorn project gutenberg selfpublishing ebooks. Welcome to the postdh discussion of horace slughorn. Harry potter and the half blood prince chapter 4 hogwarts.
In their only interaction we ever witness arranges for him to have work, tries to sway him from his dark inclinations, and yes, finally gives in when asked to teachbecause he is a teacher. Dumbledore reveals that harry is the chosen one which im sure is going to excite all the lame people that havent actually finished the books. Dumbledore enlisted the help of harry potter to accomplish this, together. In harry potter and the halfblood prince, dumbledore orders harry to retrieve the memory about the talk with tom riddlevoldemort from slughorn.
As 14 melhores imagens em horace slughorn harry potter. Horace, this is harry and hannah potter, harry, hannah, this is an old friend and colleague of mine, horace slughorn. When dumbledore arrives at privet drive one summer night to collect harry potter, his wand hand is blackened and shrivelled, but he does not reveal why. Apart from everything mentioned here, i think the interaction also showcases why slughorn had to be a slytherin in the books. His full name was revealed in the pottermore books pm. How can a wizard like dumbledore not know about horcruxes, and. At the beginning of harrys 6th year at hogwarts, dumbledore and harry convince a genial wizard named horace slughorn to come out of retirement to teach potions. O, absolutely not, there is a pretty easy way to confirm this if you follow certain quotes in the books. Broadbent played horace slughorn in the fantasy films harry potter and the halfblood prince 2009 and harry potter and the deathly hallows part 2 2011. She, herself made the decision to stay at hogwarts for the summer, she didnt quite know the reason why, but she knew it was important.
His office is described as being a very nice office, much larger than the usual teachers study hbp15. And harry, determined to secure a pensieve memory from slughorn that could. Rowling also pokes fun at slughorn with her chapter title, a sluggish memory. Slughorn was the potions master and head of slytherin house at hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. Chapter 17 of harry potter and the halfblood prince. The second memory has been altered and is of slughorn and voldemort after a party, and voldemort asks slughorn what a horcrux is. Its no secret that horace slughorn gave voldemort information on making horcruxes, and a major thrust in the sixth book is harry and dumbledore trying to find out what slughorn told him. Horace eugene flaccus slughorn was born into an ancient wizarding family, the only son of doting and wealthy parents. He had a suspicion that horace slughorn knew much more about voldemort than he.
Slughorn concealed and changed the memory but eventually gives up the real. Although slughorn s intentions are usually good, and his behavior is almost always harmless, he has extreme difficulty seeing past his own needs and desires. Slughorns dinner harry potter and the halfblood prince. British actor ian hart portrayed quirrell in the film adaptation of the book. So when his teacher gets drunk with hagrid, harry uses the opportunity to. In the books vast parts of the scene were obscured with thick fog blocking out everything visually. With that said, it seems like voldemort already had a fair bit of information about horcruxes when he went to slughorn. The memory is said to be needed because it contains valuable information that is needed to defeat him.
However, horace slughorn neither denied nor asserted that he could do it, he just stated that there wasnt enough time before dumbledore arrived. Harry convincing slughorn to give him his much needed memory. We somehow ended up with slughorn and hagrid with harry pretending drinking merrily into the night, sharing aragog memories, songs about wizards long. How important actually was the memory of slughorns. He also served as head of slytherin house, before retiring in 1981 due to a fear that albus dumbledore would discover that he had told tom riddle. Suddenly, slughorn freed me from his gaze and turned to dumbledore with a shrewd expression. Horace was born in the late 19th century or early 20th century, certainly between 1882 and 19, into the wealthy and pureblooded slughorn family. Although a fundamentally goodtempered boy, he was educated to believe in the value of the old boys network his father was a highranking ministry official in the department of international magical cooperation, and. He was a friend and colleague of albus dumbledore, who persuaded him to return to the post in 1996. Slughorn surrounds himself with select students and helps them get ahead in exchange for favor both in schoold and beyond. Your way like your father you know, but your eyes are your mothers. Confronted with a shortage of teachers by the incapacitation of dolores umbridge and the rumours surrounding the defence against the dark arts position, professor dumbledore convinces him to come out of retirement and return to teaching. Previous discussion without spoilers can be found here.
It is unlikely that slughorn is an active death eater. Sep 21, 2011 it wasnt confirmed for him until harry managed to get the real memory from horace slughorn. Why do harry and dumbledore need to get the memory from. Horaces last name would just seem to be an extension of the same gluttony. His habit of collecting students and well connected people, his reluctance to help harry and dumbledore with the memory of tom riddles detention, and especially the first prejudiced filled impression we get of him saying that lily potters power is impressive.
Horace slughorn fantasyworlds fandom powered by wikia. A sluggish memory wikibooks, open books for an open world. He joined the cast of the television series game of thrones, playing a role of archmaester ebrose, in the seventh season 2017. Harry, this is an old friend and colleague of mine, horace slughorn. Sep 07, 2012 available in up to 1080p hd please leave suggestions for additional scenes to be uploaded. Nov 01, 2012 apart from everything mentioned here, i think the interaction also showcases why slughorn had to be a slytherin in the books. Horace slughorn is the longserving potions teacher and head of slytherin house since at least the 1940s, until his retirement after the 198182 school year following his retirement and the resurgence of voldemort, slughorn goes into hiding, concealing all knowledge of his whereabouts from both sides in the growing conflict in the wizarding world. Wilson, superior court judge, of new haven, tanya vaughn of ca and jackie scott of. Extracted memories can be altered, as horace slughorn attempted to do to a memory he gave to albus dumbledore in the 19961997. Slughorn za dawny lat uczyl toma riddla i opowiedzial mu o horkuksach na poczatku zmazal to w pamieci ale gdy harry prosil go zeby pokazal mu. Slughorn altered this memory, a little ashamed that he gave this information out. Slughorns lily harry potter and the half blood prince.
When she isnt living vicariously through a book or at a concert, she is a. The movie diverges quite significantly from the book in this area. This may be our last memory of him, but our best will always be that moment down at hagrids hut. We get to see more memory tubes as well as slughorn sucking the memory out of his head in order to give it to harry im excited to see how the lucky potion scene will turn out in the movie. With a plunge, severus dived straight into the memory, falling down until his feet landed right in front of a much younger looking slughorn. How did slughorns information on horcruxes actually help. A memory is a record of an event originating from a person or elfs mind. But as i said slughorn overcomes the darker part of his own nature. An unlikely candidate for a teaching position at hogwarts, horace slughorn is a. He holds an exclusive and very posh christmas party there in december 1995 hbp15. Horace slughorn is the longserving potions teacher and head of slytherin. Horace leaves to cherish his memory, loving wife, clara a. Slughorn is the retired head of slytherin house and a former hogwarts teacher.
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